Behavioral Analysis Explained
Behavioral analysis is used in a number of different contexts by different professionals in relation to threat recognition, child development, mental health concerns, employee development, and countless other fields. The way that we use behavioral analysis is to explain how to use the uncontrollable and universal elements of nonverbal communication to facilitate on-the-ground decision-making and the proactive recognition of threats.
A Tactical Analysis
The Tactical Analysis ® program that we provide to our clients is an application of behavioral analysis to support and inform the decisions made by the members of our nation’s military, law enforcement officers, and security professionals, tasked with protecting our country, our citizens and our freedoms. Being able to go through an analysis process to establish the baseline for people and the areas we visit is a crucial skill for the protectors who take our classes.
Tactical analysis is the way we break down people, situations and the environment into its component parts using the four pillars of observable behavior. These four pillars provide enough information to get a comprehensive understanding of a situation without slowing the decision-making process. The four pillars are:
Pillar #1: Individual people
Pillar #2: Groups of people
Pillar #3: How people relate to their environment
Pillar #4: The collective mood
Tactical Assessments
Tactical assessments are the fourteen different behavioral assessments that comprise the four pillars of observable behavior, but they are taught in relation to recognizing threats and identifying the members of criminal, insurgent and terrorist organizations. These are the assessments that our nation’s protectors need to make in order to do their job in the most effective way possible and to prevent violence from occurring. The fourteen assessments are:
Pillar #1: Individuals:
People displaying one of the four clusters of behavior: Dominant, Submissive, Uncomfortable, or Comfortable.
Pillar #2: Groups of People:
The relationship between members of a group are: Intimate, Personal, Acquaintances, Strangers
Pillar #3: Environment:
Places are either: Habitual areas or anchor points
People are either: Familiar or unfamiliar with their surroundings
Pillar #4: The Collective:
Places have either: Positive atmospherics or negative atmospherics
Looking for more? Here are two articles we recommend
“That's not the behavior we are talking about.”
Overview: An article that compares the behaviors that we talk about here to other commonly used programs. See how we are different than the FBI, TSA, and Department of Homeland Security - READ MORE
“From 6 Domains To 4 Pillars: Adapting To Meet The Need”
Overview: An article that talks about the evolution of behavioral cues used to proactively recognize threats written about in Left of Bang and the ones taught in the Tactical Analysis Program - READ MORE