This is a guest post from Rick Gonzalez. If you are trying to find the quickest way to get punched in the face, try staring people down in a busy marketplace. That is exactly what will happen if you start employing overt observation techniques from a non-concealed observation post. Sometimes, employing these techniques can get exciting, and you will get so focused, you can become “blind” to counter surveillance. This is called “Change Blindness”. We will discuss this concept in another post. So how do you avoid the badge of shame associated when a Wal-Mart loss prevention specialist appears “out of nowhere” and asks you to leave? Or worse… when a gang banger decides your face should meet his fist.
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Don't get punched in the face
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This is a guest post from Rick Gonzalez. If you are trying to find the quickest way to get punched in the face, try staring people down in a busy marketplace. That is exactly what will happen if you start employing overt observation techniques from a non-concealed observation post. Sometimes, employing these techniques can get exciting, and you will get so focused, you can become “blind” to counter surveillance. This is called “Change Blindness”. We will discuss this concept in another post. So how do you avoid the badge of shame associated when a Wal-Mart loss prevention specialist appears “out of nowhere” and asks you to leave? Or worse… when a gang banger decides your face should meet his fist.