In this video, Neuroscientist Daniel Wolpert discusses his belief about how the brain has evolved. He says, “We have a brain for one reason, and one reason only and that’s to produce adaptable and complex movements.” This may give us an insight into the connection of how our limbic brain controls our involuntary actions, which gives us the ability to create a “Combat Profile.” If this is the case, can we increase our brain’s ability through the use of complex motor functions? Research shows the answer is a resounding, YES.
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Your Brain and Exercise
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In this video, Neuroscientist Daniel Wolpert discusses his belief about how the brain has evolved. He says, “We have a brain for one reason, and one reason only and that’s to produce adaptable and complex movements.” This may give us an insight into the connection of how our limbic brain controls our involuntary actions, which gives us the ability to create a “Combat Profile.” If this is the case, can we increase our brain’s ability through the use of complex motor functions? Research shows the answer is a resounding, YES.